Solidarity, Social Responsibility and Sustainability
A s embodied by its luxurious products, in promoting an authentic art, the Group, true to this spirit, is committed to establishing an active feeling of solidarity towards humanitarian causes.
Oceana Holding is committed to environmental excellence and, as a matter of longstanding policy, recognizes the importance of protecting the global ecosystem, reducing the use of natural resources and encouraging investment in ways that support responsible and sustainable development.
This environmental policy is one part of the firm's core business principle of Responsible Citizenship.
The firm's environmental policy is intended to create long-term positive environmental benefits and conserve natural resources, including minimizing energy and water consumption wherever possible.
It also is intended to assure the protection of employees and all members of the global community.
Oceana Holding as such has administrative operations that result in minimal direct environmental impact. The firm, however, takes a proactive role in maintaining strict environmental management standards. Within its operations, the firm is measurably reducing environmental impact by stressing reduction at the source.
Oceana Holding engages in waste minimization practices. Oceana Holding recycles or reuses natural resources and encourages employees to extend its recycle/reuse program to offices, cafeterias and community activities. The firm communicates to its employees the importance of pollution prevention through waste reduction, reuse and recycling, and encourages employee involvement in environmental issues. The firm works with communities and municipalities to find new ways of reducing the environmental impact of our operations.
Oceana Holding operates in an environmentally sensitive fashion, including having no emissions of greenhouse gases or ozone-depleting substances in its everyday operations. All buildings are managed with energy efficiency as a goal. The firm conducts ongoing monitoring and adheres to stringent environmental regulations, in addition to adopting best practices. Environmental assessments are conducted regularly by outside consultants. The firm continuously sets important targets for energy and resource efficiency and conservation. Oceana Holding's current target is to reduce aggregate energy consumption at its major proprietary facilities by at least 2% on average over each of the next five years.
Oceana Holding and its charitable foundation contribute to environmental and global sustainability organizations. Employees volunteer and contribute their resources to environmental programs. The firm participates in active discussions with environmental organizations and advocates, and welcomes input as part of its public policy effort.
"Excellence & Integrity" underscore everything Oceana Holding does in its business activities. Employees are committed to observe the highest ethical standards and to exercise proper judgment in all aspects of business dealings. No individual bottom line is more important than the reputation of the company. Environmental impact is a reputational issue considered when the firm conducts its business activities.